
Duration: 0.51 Seconds


The story begins with one man in his office shirt and pants walking in a park. The man who going by the name of Zul is sweating heavily as it is a very hot day. The sun is remorseless today. As he is walking, he stops to take a breather. Zul then sees a beverage machine in front of him. the beverage machine puts a smile on his face. Zul walks towards the vending and puts his money inside it to buy an ice lemon tea can. The beverage falls down and as soon as Zul picks it up, it wasn't what he wanted. Instead, he's gotten a mineral water.
Zul is confused and also suprise by this so he tries again, putting another ringgit inside. Unfortunately, the same mineral water comes out as Zul picks it up. He looks to his side and sees a bunch of people drinking the mineral water that he has in his hands. So Zul then starts drinking it and he feels a breeze blowing through him. His sweats are now but a forgotten thing. Zul turns around and sees a young women and he feels hot even though he's already cooled down. The women is jogging and she stops because of the hot weather. She sees the beverage machine and walks towards it. Zul walks towards her and offers to give her the one extra mineral water that he has. She grabs the mineral water and starts to drink it. She smiles at Zul and Zul smiles back.
The mineral water shows that nowadays in these times, people are drinking cold artificial water and also carbohydrated drinks instead of plain water in the hot sunny weather. People need to take care of their health and start to be responsible for it.


Zul Ariffin

Elizabeth Tan

Background setting

Beverage machine




The sun is brewing hot, a guy going by the named ZUL is walking and sweating intensely. ZUL stops walking as he saw a beverage vending machine. He smiles and goes towards the machine. He sees an ice lemon can and proceeded to put money in the machine but it comes out a bottle of mineral water. ZUL looks confused.

ZUL then puts another buck in the machine and tries again. Again, a mineral water comes out.

ZUL looks around and sees a bunch of people drinking mineral water with a smile on their face. ZUL drinks the mineral water. Suddenly, a breeze fill on him, his sweats disappear.

A women passes by looking as hot as ZUL is. He then gives the extra mineral water to her. She drinks it and both of them smile at each other.


Mineral water product appear followed products name
Tagline: Refresh and Be Fresh

